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Adult Literacy Programs

Global Government & Leadership Institute in partnership with Salvation Army Adult Literacy Programs draws upon scientific research based effective methods in literacy education to help individuals develop decoding, structural analysis, contextual clues, dictionary skills and comprehension skills to empower adults through a student-centered approach to learning.


How We Teach

Global Government & Leadership Institute educators use, Small Learning Groups, One-to-One Instruction, Project Based Learning and Multiple Intelligence strategies to assist adult learners to gain literacy-based skills.


Small Learning Groups:
Adult learners are sometimes placed into small groups of between two and five.  The group always shares common interests. Educators facilitate these learning groups using technology, innovative, collaborative learning models that make use of real-world examples and allow the students to learn at their own pace.


One-to-One Instruction:

At Global Government & Leadership Institute, individual instruction is tailored to each student’s level, through the use of visuals, auditory and kinesthetic lessons building strong student-teacher relationships and allowing for immediate feedback and adjustment within each lesson.


Project Based Learning:

Global Government & Leadership Institute also uses a project-based learning approach to assist students in acquiring a deeper knowledge through the active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.  Students are provided with an extended period to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge or problem, and with the assistance of a peer or instructor students complete a written assignment that shows understanding.




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